An architectural sketch drawing. In the foreground, a number of human figures stand in a public square and cross the road. In the middle ground, a multi-story red building and a wide staircase connect to a tall red building in the background.

Have your say

Thanks to everyone who submitted comments through our digital survey. The project team will review all responses.

You can contact the project team directly by email and telephone.


Telephone: 0141 674 7229

View the initial proposals

Click the link below to view the initial proposals shared at the first community event. The project team are in the process of developing updated proposals to be shared at a second event on Tuesday 24th September.

View the engagement display boards

Join us in-person and meet the team

Join the project team in-person, hear more about updates to the proposals and share your thoughts and opinions at the second consultation event.

Tuesday 24th September, from 2pm to 7pm - Add to Google Calendar

Many Studios
3 Ross Street
G1 5AR